• Resumo

    The objective of this study was to describe the preparation of root canals with a rotary system in a lower molar (85). A 23-year-old female patient was referred to the office of an endodontic specialist for endodontic therapy of her primary lower molar (85).  During the clinical examination, he reported pain on vertical percussion and occluso-distal composite resin restoration. Radiographic examination revealed deep restoration close to the distal pulp horn and agenesis of tooth 46. The probable diagnosis was acute apical periodontitis. Exploration of the root canals is carried out with a #10 C-pilot file, based on the apparent length of the tooth. Electronic odontometry was performed with the apex locator (Iroot Apex). The preparation of the root canals was carried out with a Prodesign Logic #30.05 file in the three root canals. During the preparation of each canal, 2% Chlorhexidine gel was used to facilitate the action of the nickel-titanium instruments.  The filling of the root canals, carried out in the same session with the calibrated MX single cone technique (Tanari) associated with Bio-C Sealer cement (bioceramic cement). Clinical and radiographic follow-up, carried out two years after filling the canals, determined the success of endodontic therapy. It is concluded that the endodontic treatment of deciduous teeth must be carried out in accordance with the technical standards of endodontics, aiming at sanitization, modeling and hermetic filling, determining reabsorption of the bioceramic cement extravasated at the time of filling, which has been proven during 2 years of maintenance. completion of endodontic therapy.

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Como citar

Travassos, R. M. C., Martins, W. W. R., Santos, P. G. S. T. dos, Almeida, G. M. de, Chaves, A. T. D., Lima, S. N., … Ferreira , G. dos S. (2025). ENDODONTIC TREATMENT OF DECIDUOUS LOWER MOLAR DUE TO AGENESIS OF THE PERMANENT TOOTH GERM. Derecho Y Cambio Social, 22(79), e92. https://doi.org/10.54899/dcs.v22i79.92
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