• Abstract

    The present study aims to present the clinical case report regarding non-surgical endodontic treatment performed on tooth 37, with a circumscribed periapical lesion, suggesting a phoenix abscess. The methodology consists of an individual descriptive case report study, which includes radiographic images of a 15-year-old female patient. Clinically, in addition to swelling, it was found that there was mobility, absence of pain in the thermal test (cold) and on palpation. After a complete clinical examination, endodontic treatment, coronary opening, root canal exploration, and root canal preparation were initiated using the preparation technique with reciprocating instruments associated with 2.5% sodium hypochlorite as an irrigating solution. Calcium hydroxide paste was applied as an intracanal medication for a period of 30 days and the coronary access was sealed with glass ionomer. In the following session, after verifying the absence of clinical signs and symptoms, it was decided to fill the root canal using the single cone technique associated with AH Plus endodontic cement. After the 2 years preservation period, tissue repair and bone neoformation of the area and absence of clinical signs were observed.

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How to cite

Travassos, R. M. C., Martins, W. W. R., Martins, L. G., Santos, P. G. S. T. dos, Barroso, L. dos S., Nunes, A. M., … Almeida, G. M. de. (2025). CHRONIC APICAL PERIODONTITIS REPAIR: 2-YEAR FOLLOW-UP. Derecho Y Cambio Social, 21(78), e55. https://doi.org/10.54899/dcs.v21i78.55
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