• Abstract

    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by persistent deficits in communication, social interaction, and adaptive behaviors, with wide clinical heterogeneity. In the Brazilian context, the granting of social benefits to children diagnosed with ASD is a topic of increasing relevance, due to the complexity of the evaluation criteria and the need for equity in decisions. This study analyzed the perception of medical experts in the state of Pernambuco about the processes related to this granting, with special attention to diagnostic tools and evaluation methods. Thus, through a descriptive and cross-sectional research, a mixed approach was adopted, combining qualitative and quantitative data. The variables analyzed include socioeconomic and professional profile, as well as the level of technical knowledge and the use of standardized protocols. The results reveal significant challenges, such as subjectivity in opinions, lack of continuous training, and limited application of recognized diagnostic instruments, factors that result in inconsistencies and difficulties in ensuring social justice in the granting of benefits. The study concludes that the implementation of standardized guidelines, aligned with scientific advances on ASD, and the provision of ongoing technical training are fundamental strategies for strengthening expert assessments. These measures are essential to promote fairer, more equitable and well-founded assessments, contributing to the strengthening of public policies and respect for the rights of children with ASD and their families.


    Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorder. Medical expertise. Social benefits. Public policies. Social inclusion.

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