• Abstract

    Guided Endodontics uses imaging technologies and computer-aided design to plan and perform procedures in challenging cases such as root canal calcification. This study describes the case of a 75-year-old female patient with pain in tooth 22. Radiographic analysis revealed calcification of the root canal. The procedure involves Cone Beam Computed Tomography and intraoral scanning for virtual planning of the endodontic guide, which was 3D printed and fixed in the patient's maxilla to access the canal using a specific drill. After instrumentation of the canal and removal of the smear layer, the canal was obturated with bioceramic cement. The patient returned three years after obturation of the root canal system, observing the success of endodontic therapy, concluding the effectiveness of Guided Endodontics in the treatment of root canal calcification, providing satisfactory and predictable clinical results.

  • References

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How to cite

Travassos, R. M. C., Pires, C. de L., Santos, P. G. S. T. dos, Martins, W. W. R., Martins, L. G., Almeida, G. M. de, … Gerbi, M. E. M. de M. (2025). Restoring Original Canal Trajectory Post complete Obstruction: Guided Endodontics case report. Derecho Y Cambio Social, 22(79), e84. https://doi.org/10.54899/dcs.v22i79.84
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