Peer Review Process

Peer Review

Regarding the evaluation process of the articles submitted to Derecho y Cambio Social, it is characterized by a peer review process with a double-blind system and involves three sequential stages: desk review, peer review (Double Blind Review), and publication.

1st Stage - Desk Review

In the desk review, the editors analyze the received articles, without identifying the authors, to assess their alignment with the journal’s scope and their potential contribution to the field of study. When necessary, members of the scientific committee are involved. The evaluated criteria include:

  • Compliance with the journal’s standards, guidelines, and recommendations;
  • Descriptive manuscripts without discussion of results;
  • Empirical manuscripts without a scientific method;
  • Theoretical manuscripts with only one theoretical framework or without theoretical discussion;
  • Manuscripts outside the journal’s scope;
  • Manuscripts emphasizing the object at the expense of the theme, problem, hypothesis, methods, and theoretical framework;
  • Lack of novelty concerning the existing literature on the subject;
  • Recent publications by the authors in the journal;
  • Plagiarism.

Final result: archiving or forwarding for review. Authors are informed of the decision within seven days of submission if the work does not comply with the journal’s policies.

It is important to note that authors have access to the template with the article format requested by the journal upon submission.

2nd Stage - Double Blind Review

Articles approved in the desk review are sent to two external specialists or researchers for evaluation under the Double Blind Review system. The reviewers are professors and researchers associated with stricto sensu graduate programs. The articles are evaluated considering the relevance of the theme, writing quality, logical flow, methodological adequacy, analytical depth, conclusions, and contributions. Authors are informed of the editorial decision at the end of this stage, which may take up to two weeks.

Possible outcomes include: Accepted (publication without changes), Publication after minor corrections, Corrections required, and Rejected. After adjustments and verification by the reviewers and editors, the articles undergo orthographic, grammatical, and final editorial review.

Note: In case of discrepancies between reviewers, the Editor may choose a third reviewer or reject the manuscript.

3rd Stage - Publication

The author reviews and adjusts the text as needed, submits the final corrected and translated version, and the article is published on the journal’s portal.